Jewel From the Prayer Book

Jewel From the Prayer Book

“My soul doth magnify the Lord … ” The exultant Song of Mary, known as the Magnificat from the opening word in the Latin text, is the standard canticle for the evening office in the West, whether Roman Catholic vespers or Anglican evening prayer or evensong....
A Liturgical Recap of Worship in Pandemic

A Liturgical Recap of Worship in Pandemic

I wanted to explain the reasons behind my liturgical decisions since March 15, for transparency’s sake, in case you were wondering, and to recap how far we’ve come. Initially, the diocese only allowed up to three people in a worship space, under the age of 60,...
On the Pilgrim’s Path: Seeing Christ

On the Pilgrim’s Path: Seeing Christ

We have spent eight months in pandemic lockdown, forced to live in ways that feel so unnatural to us – wearing masks, keeping our distance.  No hugs, no travel, no singing in public.  Mostly, we’ve complied because it was the right thing to do.  But...
Signs of the Times: Advent

Signs of the Times: Advent

Much of the structure of this season was devised by Pope Gregory the Great (ca. AD 600): he composed liturgical texts and arranged the lectionary for Masses and the Daily Office; and he shortened what had been a six-week season of preparation for Christmas to four...