Lecture Series with Fr. Bill Stafford: The Methodist and Oxford Movements

On Sunday, July 14, Fr. Bill Stafford will begin a three-part series at Coffee Hour on two major movements in “modern” England: John and Charles Wesley in the Methodist movement within the Church of England in the 18th Century, and the Oxford Movement in the 19th. Both movements came out of the Old High Church party in the Church of England, and had some significant things in common—and a great deal that they emphatically did not have in common. Wesley gave rise to the Methodist Church, and the Oxford Movement birthed Anglo-Catholicism, of which our liturgy and ethos is an heir. Come with an open mind and your questions!


Jul 14 2024


11:45 am - 12:45 pm


St. Luke’s Episcopal Church
20 University Ave., Los Gatos, CA


St. Luke's Episcopal Church , Los Gatos
(408) 354-2195

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