All Souls’ Day Service

Our 5:00 pm Saturday liturgy November 2 will be both an “Eve of All Saints’ Sunday” and “All Souls’ Commemoration” worship service. It will also be our last Saturday in the courtyard before moving indoors for the winter. The service will proceed as usual, with two big exceptions:
•  Please bring photos of deceased loved ones, preferably framed with a stand and no larger than 8×10 inches, to place on our Altar of Remembrance in the courtyard. We will do this at the start of the service. (Please do remember to take your photos home with you after the service.)
•  At the end of the service, we will gather in our Memorial Garden for a short Remembrance of the Dead liturgy. All those buried there will be named aloud, as will the names of our own beloved dead. The rector will then bless the garden and we will give thanks for the love we have shared with those in our lives whom we see no longer.
•  Slips on which to write the name of your deceased loved ones will be available at the service, so we can read them aloud.
•  You can also email Fr. Ricardo by Nov. 1 with those names you would like read. We will do so even if you cannot come to the service.


Nov 02 2024


5:00 pm


St. Luke’s Episcopal Church
20 University Ave., Los Gatos, CA


St. Luke's Episcopal Church , Los Gatos
(408) 354-2195

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